Subliminal messages have been used for years to reprogram and change the unconscious minds. Now you can use the same type of program to lose weight.
If you can watch a 30-minute DVD every day for 30 days, or listen to a CD you can lose the weight and become a healthier you.
The DVD consists of beautiful photos inlaid with subliminal messages and soothing music along with subliminal hypnosis.
These subliminal messages will reprogram and change your unconscious mind to live healthy and lose weight.
The BONUS CD has the same hypnosis messages as the DVD embedded throughout the music. Listen to the CD when you cannot watch the DVD or play the CD before you go to bed and while
sleeping for added results.
Some of the subliminal messages are:
Become healthy 

Lose weight
Motivation & desire 

Drink plenty of water
Eat more fruits & vegetables
Eat less fat & sugar
Eat smaller portions of food
Have fun & enjoy life
Exercise more

Become the perfect you
This program can be used by itself or with any weight loss program.
This DVD combines powerful visual and audio hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art
digital recording technology.
Warning: DVDs contain flashing subliminal imagery. They are safe, but must not be used in a
moving vehicle or if you suffer from epilepsy.
For best results use headphones.
Approximately 30 min
To order this DVD call us at (317) 750 - 7392 or E-mail us at